Alicia's World Headline Animator
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Esl Press
Dateline Australia
For Immediate Release
There's a new search engine in town
With such sites as Google (16 Billion plus earnings) and Yahoo (6 Billion plus earnings) leading the way. A pack of rivals such as MSN, Ask, Alexa, and tens of thousands of smaller search engine options generating billions of dollars in pay per click search engine advertising revenues has sprouted up. The newest of these search engines has the tools required to become the new leader and they call it Easy Search Live.
For The Complete Story Read The Following Announcement
click here
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Email Blasters
Now Auto-mail Millions of Targeted Opt-In Prospects Every Month Using The Worlds Most
Astonishing "Set And Forget" Technology!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Morris Powder
From the school building to the home
environment, the problem with indoor pollution continues and access
to hazardous cleaning products is a serious problem. When it comes
to children and cleaning products around the home, the statistics
are unsettling.More than 2 million poisonings are reported each year to the 61
Poison Control Centers (PCCs) across the United States alone. More
than 90 percent of these poisonings occur in the home. The majority
of non-fatal poisonings occur in children younger than six years
old. And, poisonings are one of the leading causes of death among
Over 65 million people in North America
who spend their day inside elementary and secondary schools are
particularly susceptible to health problems caused by cleaning
How Cleaning Products You Use At Home And The Office Could Be A Revolutionary Cleaning Product . . .
Morris Powder will replace 99% of your cleaning products at home and in the office.
If your home or office is typical, then you probably have at least half a dozen or more cleaning products that contain harmful chemicals. Recent studies have revealed that most homes or offices contain over several dozen hazardous products that together contain hundreds of chemicals. These chemicals have the potential to greatly harm or even kill your children, your pets and you, should they accidentally not be used with the utmost caution. Is there a better way to clean your home and office? We believe there is . . .
Since the 1940, more than 80,000 chemicals have been created for use in cleaners, pesticides, plastics, personal care products, industrial products and other conveniences.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
The ESL Advantage
The E.S.L Marketing Center is not like other MLM or JV sites you won't find any HYIP or fancy SCHEMES, Our system is a very simple to operate and effective Advertising system that actually works. The first thing you will notice is that before you start selling we train you thoroughly in our product, we give you the skills and ability to talk about how our Advertising works and supply you with the tools you will need to market our products. Now you say but i want to make some quick cash....Well sorry to dissapoint but regardless of what other schemes promise there is no such animal on the Internet. Our systems are designed to assist you in building a steady reliable income that supplements your normal income, We do not and will not encourage you to throw in your normal job but rather spend a a little time each day promoting your sales of our products. For many years now Internet Advertising has been corrupt and unfair to both the Advertiser and the small affiliate trying to earn a few dollars to feed their families, Click Fraud and unscrupulous operators have fleeced the market to the stage where many companies are very shy about "Pay - Per - Click Advertising and fear that they will just waste money. By teaching you about how our system works we will arm you with the knowledge to allay these fears and show your prospects how we can supply them with 100% safe PPC advertising that is impossible to de-fraud. In the past companies supplying PPC have utilised varying methods to combat Click Fraud with little effect the fraudsters have always found a back door or a loophole and have been able to manipulate results causing massive debt to the advertiser and reaping huge amounts of ill gotten money from the Advertising Company. To combat this we employed the same techniques these people use and then one by one found solutions to prevent this behaviour, the result is a very marketable product that is both safe and effective for all parties concerned. So please let us show you how we can help you build a better lifestyle for you and your family while promoting our reliable advertising system. Dave Gilbert, CEO Easy Search Live (ESL) Marketing Center |
$900 value $4.95 Price
Easy-Mail live is the ultimate way to stay in touch with your clients. Our service allows you to setup and maintain mailing lists of your clients and add them to your site without the hassel of coding or setting up complex and expensive mailing list scripts.
"Easy Mail Live has allowed me to keep regular contact with my client base and has allowed me to sell more properties through monthly newsletters.
Bert Snijder,"
Our service utilises the latest technology available, giving you the power to email your clients from anywhere, anytime, and with very little effort. All the hard work is done for you by us, so you can spend time doing what matters most.
With the ability to store and call upon templates for you newsletters, creating, editing and sending them has never been quicker or easier to do. And with our low monthy rates, the cost makes it the best option for any business wanting to stay in-touch with clientelle on a regular basis.
Every Easy-Mail Live account comes with:
- Unlimited subscribers.
- 10 mailing lists.
- Unlimited Auto-Responders
- Create Custom Templates for your Mail
- Fully customisable subscription/unsubscription forms
- Use across unlimited websites.
- Easy-to-use interface.
- FREE technical support.
To get your business connected today by signing up for an Easy-Mail live account for just $4.95USD per month, use the signup form by clicking below. Your account will be setup and ready to use in just ONE! Business day!
Click Here to Join Now!
Are you still looking to make an Internet income?
Maybe once in a decade a truly original idea comes along.
Anyone can be successful
with a truly good offer for the public.
What if you had access to a PLAN that includes
an offer SO good, you'd be proud to be a part of it?
You've just found what so many of us have been looking for and it's all so very simple.
You don't have to guess WHAT to do or HOW to do it. You just get visitors to your web page and…the PLAN will do Everything Else for You!
Our Plan4Power call team will close your referrals FOR you!You don't have to make sales calls, write follow-up letters, loadan autoresponder, or do anything technical.
. . . i m a g i n e . . .
Follow up ads going out on your behalf every week…
follow up ads that spawn referrals for you and your team.
. . . i m a g i n e . . .
Your Plan4Power referrals called by friendly, professional closers with a high closing success rate!
. . . imagine it's affordable . . .
What do you think a service like this would cost you?
What if we told you these services are absolutely free to every person
who accepts free membership in Plan4Power?
Free Plan4Power membership is JUST ONE of the many bonuses
you get as an owner of the eBook: An Internet Marketing Primer.
This informative eBook may be purchased for ONLY $25
by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.
Let Us Show you Step-by-Step How You can Earn an Attractive, Residual Income Without Buying or Calling Leads!
The Plan4Power Group has founda way (the PLAN) to make true, attractive,diversified residual income happen for ANYONE, without financial risk.
We’ll show you everything we know about how to successfully
get referrals to your Plan4Power website.
We’ll call them for you, answer all
their questions and close them FOR YOU.
You'll Get: Your Own Web Site • Ad Materials
The Plan4Power Six-Figure Income Follow-Me System
Lead Generation System • Follow Up Calls Made FOR You
With Plan4Power You Will Never
Spend More Than $25 out-of-pocket EVER,
when you follow the PLAN.
- You will purchase the eBook for a one-time $25.
- You will receive an invitation to accept your bonuses which include free membership to Plan4Power, where you can turn a $25 purchase into diversified sources of business.
the Plan4Power method of synchronized profitability.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Memberships Available For Purchase
Gold Membership
# $9 For 1 Lifetime Membership
# 10% Downline Earnings
# $0.00 PTP CPM
# 10% Bonus Of Referral's Purchases
# 10% Bonus When Referrals Upgrade
# 50 Link Credits Upon Joining
# 1000 Banner Credits Upon Joining
Premium Monthly Membership
# $5 For 1 Month Membership
# 5% Downline Earnings
# $0.05 PTP CPM
# 20% Bonus Of Referral's Purchases
# 30% Bonus When Referrals Upgrade
# 1000 Email Credits Monthly
# 1000 Link Credits Monthly
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Traffic Zap
How it Works
Advertisers who want to reach the Exchange service audience simply join the Exchange program as regular members. Once you have an account, you can purchase as much traffic as you like, starting at 1,000 targeted visitors for $7.95. The more you buy the more you save.
Join the Exchange network (FREE).
Login and click the Buy Traffic link.
Enter your site information and make your payment.
Login at any time to review your live stats.
You don't have to take part in the actual Exchange service to buy traffic from the Exchange. However, If you like, you can also take advantage of your existing traffic and place the Exchange code on your site to earn free visitors as well.
Target Your Message
We group our network sites by category. When you order your Traffic Blast, you select the category that best suits your business.
Save Time and Money
To help make it easy on you, we've set up our advertising solutions exclusively online. If your business is expanding as fast as ours, we know you'll appreciate the ease of our customized PayPal and credit card payment system.
Getting Started
After you register, you may choose a single block of traffic, or start a monthly traffic subscription from the options inside the Members Area. Once we have confirmed your payment, you will be sent instructions on how to log in to view your campaign statistics.
Hot Short URL
Hide your affiliate URLs
Are you posting something that you don't want people to know what the
URL is because it might give away that it's an affiliate link. Then you can
enter a URL into HotShortURL, and your affiliate link will be hidden from
the visitor, only the address and the ending address
will be visible to your visitors.
Free URL Tracking
Are you tired of accessing one program to create a short Url and than
accessing another one to track it? Every HotShortUrl Comes with inbuilt
Free Url Tracker which will tell you the amount of HITS your Urls are
getting. Every professional Marketer needs to know this....
Also Get 2 Free Website Rotators
• Tell HotShortUrl what web pages you want to advertise. The system
then keeps a list of all the URL addresses which you can easily add or
delete at any time from the private members area.
• Advertise one single URL address! HotShortUrl creates your own
personal rotator web page. When visitors access the URL, HotShortUrl
automatically transports them to one of the web pages you've chosen
to advertise.
You gain an incredible advantage with HotShortUrl Website Rotator :
Rotate 10 different URL addresses, all from one location!
NO pop-ups, NO banner ads, and NO navigational frame!
Instantly add or remove websites from the full-featured members area!
Keep track of your advertising with LIVE up-to-the-second statistics!
You get 2 rotators & ITS ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Monday, June 4, 2007

Do You Realize How Valuable You Are? Advertisers, search providers, and online retailers are paying billions to reach you while you surf. How much of that money are you getting? You Deserve A Piece of the Action AGLOCO gets paid by companies to reach our Members through our Viewbar™ software.We give that money back to you. Build the Community, Make More Money Through our Referral Program, we reward those who are helping to build this Global Community. The bigger the community, the more money AGLOCO makes for its Members. What’s the Catch? No catch. Sign up, refer your friends, download the free Viewbar™ software and surf the Internet as you normally would. Privacy Counts. Your information will never be sold, rented,or shared with anyone else. Bulletproof privacy is a core commitment of AGLOCO. Visit for more information! AGLOCO is an Economic Network. An Economic Network is based on similar roots, but also adds the driving principle that individuals who have joined together as a group can be economically stronger than the individuals alone. This is the driving principal behind any group trying to become stronger by joining forces: business groups (like trade associations and the Chamber of Commerce), countries (like the formation of NAFTA and the EU), or people (like labor unions and buying co-ops). For individuals it is simple. They can demand more from the entities that had been controlling them and finally achieve the power they deserve. Much like segments of the labor force saw they were being exploited 100 years ago, today we see the Internet consumer being economically exploited by many Internet companies. AGLOCO wants to change that. Individual Internet Users are already creating value all over the Internet, and only now are they coming together as Members of AGLOCO to claim that value. The purpose of an economic network is for the Members to acquire as much of the value they create as possible, and they shouldn’t have to change their Internet usage behavior to get it. This is the whole basis for creating this company. The Internet holds many unique and valuable ways for individuals to “interact with each other and with groups.” Wikipedia is showing this with free access to information on the Internet. AGLOCO can accomplish the same thing with free access to value created on the Internet. Thoughts and comments? I will have much more to say about this in the future
Sunday, June 3, 2007
All our programs are FREE to Join, and although some of the programs submitted by our members may require an upgrade in order for you to start earning from them they will have been tested by our staff for their earning potential and the security offered to members.
During you first few weeks with us you will learn how our Advertising system works and what it means for your prospective clients, just how you will earn money and start creating your income from your first lessons.
All we ask is that you listen to your Educators and complete any tasks set in a timely manner, Please don't try getting ahead of your lessons as we want you to get used to using a proven formulae for gaining results.
For now please begin by exploring your admin area and becoming familiar with the controls and their locations.
[5:35:39 PM] alicia banks says: We Don't want you to give up your job, in fact programs that inspire you to "Fire Your Boss" Normally only achieve 2 things
* They see you join the unemployment line.
* They make the promoters rich at your expense.
E.S.L. Marketing Center aims to achieve 2 things also.
* Teach you How to Market effectively on the Internet
* enable you to supplement your income without spending your money.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Welcome To FreshSurfing.Com
Have a website you need traffic to?
Sign up for a FREE account below and receive
1,000 website hits ABSOLUTELY FREE!
After you sign up you can login to your account and view other members sites.
In exchange you will receive visitors to your own site!
Plus get 1,000 bonus hits for every 100 sites you view.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Link Share
About LinkShare
Since 1996, LinkShare has been a pioneer in online affiliate marketing, and today runs the largest pay-for-performance affiliate marketing network on the Internet. LinkShare is the trusted third-party that brings together both merchants and affiliates. We track and report on every ad or placement in our network, send monthly payments to affiliates, and provide services and tools that help merchants and affiliates optimize their performance.
Affiliate Marketing
A merchant, also known as an advertiser or retailer, is a web site or company that sells a product or service online, accepts payments and fulfills orders.
Affiliates (also called publishers) place merchants' ads, text links, or product links on their web sites, shopping engines, blogs, etc. or include them in e-mail campaigns and search listings in exchange for commissions on leads or sales.
Merchants acquire new customers and pay affiliates only when a sale or other qualifying action is completed. This is called CPA or performance-based marketing. It is very efficient.
LinkShare Affiliate Tools and Solutions
LinkShare has designed the following tools specifically to enable affiliates to make the most of their affiliate marketing experience:
Merchandiser Datafeed - allows affiliates to download individual product links to their website without having to manually create links to each product carried by a merchant.
Signature - offers affiliates the ability to track down to the transaction level of each individual member, organization or sub-site.
Dynamic Rich Media (DRM) - lets merchants create more effective creative content and pushes those updates to affiliate sites, so affiliates don't have to change their code.
Join the LinkShare Network!
Start earning more from your website by becoming a LinkShare affiliate. LinkShare is free to join and easy to use. We offer comprehensive affiliate support through a variety of channels including online FAQs, email and live chat.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Make That Dollar
Where people who like to earn income from home and advertisers searching for active audiences, come together to form a unique and powerful revenue generating network. Our members enjoy earning thousands monthly by completing fun offers and visiting exciting websites. Registration is free and everyone in the world is welcome to join and earn, even you!
Earn money through Paid to Sign up, Paid to Complete Offers, Paid Surveys, and Paid to Click. Refer friends and participate in monthly contests to earn even more.
• Free membership and no investment necessary to earn
• International members welcome
• Get Paid for completing various offers
• Get Paid for signing up to sites or registering to newsletters
• Get Paid for clicking on banners and text links within member's area
• Get Paid for completing online surveys
• Get Paid for winning monthly contests
• Get Paid to refer other active DollarMakers and Advertisers
• Earnings update in real time
• Simple and easy to use navigational interface
• Cash out to PayPal, e-Gold, Money Order, or Visa Gift Card
Premium targeted advertising packages available for a captive audience eager to visit and interact with your web site and product pages. Drive additional traffic of unique visitors to increase your exposure and sales.
• Site wide Banner Impressions
• Side Panel Text Ads
• Paid to Click Advertising
• Paid to Sign Up Promotions
• Mass Mail out Promotions
• Fully automated ad purchasing
• Ads instantly appear after payment
• Full control of approving sign ups and offer completions
• Real time tracking for impressions, clickthrough rate, and conversions
As a Advertiser or DollarMaker, you are eligible to upgrade your memberships in order to receive discounts on advertising and free referrals added to your downline.
Our friendly and knowledgeable Live Support staff is available throughout most of the day to assist you with your questions and concerns. We also have our paid to post forum available for payment proof and discussions about MakeThatDollar
My Cash Safari
Fairy Tale Treasures is a fun and exciting Get Paid To Shop Rewards Program.
Membership is FREE!
Earn cash rewards and rebates for shopping at Walmart, DisneyShopping, Macys, Target and many other popular online merchants. Members also earn cash in a variety of other ways such as:
Completing Surveys
Signing up for FREE products, samples and coupons
Trying new products
Entering Contests and Sweepstakes
Referring Family and Friends
If you've ever wished you could learn each step of marketing required
to become successful - and pick and choose from the areas you need
to strengthen, then this program is for you.
Building up now with more content being added every day. Don't miss
your opportunity to receive free training, network with other marketers
and be entered into the 4x7 matrix as a bonus!
If you're an experienced marketer, then there's even more reason to join.
You can contribute and be publicly recognised for your abilities!
Click here now!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Tx-Total Share
At TX-TotalShare you will be able to start building your own real traffic agency by becoming a TXTS Traffic Agent and start selling Traffic Packages in the Traffic Market and keeping 100% of the profits. As a traffic agent you will also be entitled to receive Agents Commission Payments that tx-totalshare will pay into your account at the end of each month. To join now and start building your traffic empire, fill in the form on the right , making sure you read the privacy policy and terms of service before registering.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Go Pro Leads
GoProLeads members have access to the best online opportunities and will receive a cash incentive when joining a paid program. Some of our advertisers actually pay 100% of your membership cost in their program. Members should always check advertisers offers before joining any paid program for cash back offers. The cash incentives offered by our advertisers are paid up front. When you join a program you are then paid directly from GoProLeads. This makes it a simple process for all involved. Members also receive cash for joining a free program, reviewing websites and reading emails
Monday, May 21, 2007
Direct Matches

Friday, May 18, 2007
Phone Is Cash

How many people are in your email list? Chances are they ALL have an old cell phone they are not using. Refer 10 friends make $50 ...refer 100 friends make $500...refer 1000 friends...well you get the picture. Refer everyone on your email list and make some extra cash!
There are more than 150 million used cell phones sitting in homes all over America. These cell phones could mean funds for your group. helps you organize cell phone collections, and pays you for all the used cell phones you collect. We all know what its like to deal with cell phones, so when it is time to switch service providers we are required to buy a new phone; but what to do with our old one.
The current options are to throw them away, or place them in a drawer where they do nothing but loose value day-by-day.I don’t know one person that likes to throw money away, why should you?!? There exists a problem; now there is a solution.
You can now trade in your used cell phone and receive real value; that’s real money in your hand. It is our mission to allow our customers to get value out of those existing unused cell phones and be able to put it to good use.Did you know that cell phones contain toxic materials such as arsenic, lead and zinc? Right now there are countless millions of cell phones just sitting around homes in the US and many end up polluting the landfill.
Cell phones sold/donated through are given new life and those that can't be refurbished are recycled according to EPA Standards. makes your unused cell phones available to those who can use them, while keeping them out of the landfill. has developed a national program to remove discarded wireless cell phones from the country's environment while directly benefiting charitable organizations and individuals.
By recycling, you give new life to old technology and keep these toxic e-waste materials out of the landfill. And best of all, every cell phone you collect means money for you!
TMI Wireless
The business opportunity enables you to make money on the Internet with NO investment, fees, or costs required whatsoever. Whether you are a seasoned veteran of Internet marketing or completely new to starting an Internet business, this opportunity is for you. All you need is a computer with Internet access and the willingness to work hard and achieve your financial goals!
You get all of the following when you join our Free Affiliate Program:
- Free Membership - There is absolutely no cost to join our affiliate program! There are no hidden fees or membership costs to remain an affiliate either. We want to help you make money without having to spend your hard-earned savings on unnecessary expenses. We simply don't believe membership fees are fair to you!
- Free Personal Website - We give you a personalized website that you can launch and promote immediately after you join! Again, there is NO COST for your free website. Your professionally designed website even allows you to display your own logo if you wish!
- Online Reporting and Sales Statistics - members have access to sales reports and statistics 24 hours a day. Simply login to your affiliate account and view order history reports, click-thru statistics, and more. Our reporting system was designed to give you the information you need to optimize your marketing strategies.
- Generous Compensation Plan - Earn generous commissions every time one of your customers activates a cell phone (including any of our free cell phone offers) on a new wireless calling plan. Plus, you also earn money when any of your sub-affiliates make a sale!
Join Now!!
Easy Ad Bucks
They are running out fast so if you want to purchase a referral pack, Now’s the time!
We’ve had a lot of feedback on the prices of our advertising. Members have suggested that we reduce the cost to advertise on EasyAdBucks, and we listened again!
We’ve now reduced the prices by our ads by 50%-70%! This should help bring more advertisers to EasyAdBucks, which means more paid to read emails for you!
We also would like to encourage everyone to go to a great new forum that talks about making money online, 4 newbies forum! Make sure to check out the EasyAdBucks thread and give a glaring review =)
If you would like to refer people to EasyAdBucks, here’s the link to use:EasyAdBucks
Thursday, May 17, 2007
20 Dollar surf
Why should I join 20dollarsurf?
By joining 20dollarsurf you will be entitled to hundreds and thousands of hits to your website for FREE! So no cost to you, that's one good reason why you should join 20dollarsurf!!
Does it cost money to join 20dollarsurf?
20dollarsurf doesn't charge anything to join we offer this service FREE to you.
How do I get credits to use on my site from 20dollarsurf?
Getting credits is simple. Upon sign-up you will receive 5000 credits for FREE! Surfing for credits is easy. All you have to do is click on surf4credits options inside the members area and follow the instructions and you will start earning credits, which you can then use to advertise your site(s)!
Can I get a virus from surfing your site?
You acknowledge that our Services are provided "as is". 20dollarsurf cannot guarantee that the Service will be uninterrupted, error free or free from viruses or other harmful components. We do check all sites when added for viruses and will do our best to ensure safe and trouble free services.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
WOW Quote
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Link Grand
Here is some of what LinkGrand offers
Membership is FREE.
Get paid to visit our advertiser's websites.
Earn a very generous $0.003 per link clicked.
Refer members and get an amazing 30% commission of their earnings.
Refer advertisers and receive a 10% commission of their purchases.
Realtime reports of your earnings.
Daily payouts with low minimum.
and more!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Traffic Blast
• Traffic Blast is a free Traffic generation service that automatically generates hits for your website with credits earned by you.
• Our fully automated 2 : 1 traffic exchange, gives you 0.5 credits for every one website you visit.
• Once joined, you get 500 credits deposited in your account, which willl result into 500 visitors for your site and the free use of our search engine submission tool to help you get your web site noticed.
• All you need is a website and 5 minutes of your time to get started before you are on your way to getting the free visitors you always wanted!
Thunder surf
A Womens Voice
Hits 4 Pay
Still Reading Commercial Emails For Free?
Receive emails and web-based offers on topics that interests you and get paid for it!
If you have access to a computer, you can get paid
Hits4pay is an Internet advertising company sharing it's advertising revenue with it's members. We have advertisers all over the world who are willing to pay you for reading their promotional emails and visiting their websites. Join for a free account today and receive $10 reward right from the start.
Multiple Stream Media owner of and several websites on our network, is based in New York. Multiple Stream Media provides a variety of services to Internet business community
Because we've been involved with the interactive advertising industry literally since Day One, and because we remain at the center of a community of tens of thousands of advertisers, publishers & vendors, we are in a unique position to assist you with your promotional needs.
Whether you are a site or e-zine publisher seeking to generate increased revenue through online advertising or an advertiser with a specific need, challenge or target audience that you need to reach online, we can help.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
10 Dollars Wonder

Each purchased position is placed into the companies 10 x 6 forced matrix. You will receive the downward spillover from those who are above you. If members below you purchase more than 4 positions, the overage or 'extra positions' will upward spillover from those members and may fall into your part of matrix.
Easy Books Fully Loaded
Today you will see the site change to say we are in pre-launch until we hit 500 paid members, at that point the price will go up to $99.99.
When the price goes up sponsors will get $50 per referral PLUS profitpayments PLUS matrix payments.
On top of that the products and benefits will go up as well, I don?twant to tip my hand too much - but I know you will all like it! Andthat is in addition to all the new e-books we will be adding and keepadding.
I also have another couple of things up my sleeve for you all too, so keep watching.
FREE MEMBERS Could I ask why you joined Fully Loaded? As a non paid registrant you
- Get sponsors commissions
- Get Profits Payments
- Get Matrix Payments
Access any products or eBooks Submit your Solo Ad So I am just wondering why you bothered registering, as you aremissing out on everything.
We pay 10 members at once every time a membership package is bought,and every time extra positions are bought and every time someone invests. AND we also pay 10 members AGAIN through the matrix.
The longer you delay, the more payments you are missing AND you are missing spillover! Remember our matrix is a FORCED system!
Don't pay double for your lifetime membership!
Welcome To TMC

To get your membership up and running, I would like to help you, to achieve this here and now.
As your upliner in the TMC EasyGroup, I am prepared to step forward to help you to get your first 2 members, to sign up to your first level.
Together we will if you want me to, show you how best to get the optimum performance from your membership.
The quicker we get you earning money the better, as soon as we have got 2 new members into your downline; I want you to replicate all that we do together, to encourage your 2 new members to each get their 2 members also.
In that way you earn money quickly and so will I earn from you and as my sponsor does from me.
So the very first thing you need to do is to go straight to your back office URL is in your welcome pack, then get your personal TMC affiliate URL, then you need to join the Forum via link from back office. Here you will find all sorts of help and assistance.
Once you have achieved the above contact me and I will help you further.
Please write back to the email address below, the sooner you do the quicker we start you on your way.
Yours in success for TMC